Laurie French Acclaimed as President of OPSBA


TORONTO, June 13, 2016 – The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) is pleased to announce that Laurie French was acclaimed as President of OPSBA for the 2016-17 school year at its Annual General Meeting held on June 11, 2016. As OPSBA’s new President, French’s depth of experience and deep knowledge of the province’s school system will contribute to the strength of public education in the province of Ontario.


“I am committed to supporting every public school board trustee in the province in the vital role they undertake on behalf of Ontario students and their families,” said President French. “As individual advocates for public education, we are all invested in creating the conditions that make a better world for our students and our society. Trustees are on the front line, working closely with local communities, living that commitment every day and Ontario is the better for it.”

President French, a trustee with the Limestone District School Board, will be supported in her position as President of OPSBA by Jerry Chadwick, trustee with the Toronto District School Board, who was elected 1st Vice-President. Cathy Abraham, Chair of the Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board, will take on the role of 2nd Vice-President. OPSBA’s President and Vice-Presidents offer a depth of expertise and commitment that will provide strong leadership for the Association in the year ahead.

OPSBA’s Executive Council also includes: Michael Barrett, Past President, (Durham District School Board); Donna Edwards, Vice-President, Central East Region, (Durham District School Board); Doug Pratley, Vice-President, Western Region, (Avon Maitland District School Board); Gerald Kleist, Vice-President, Northern Region, (Keewatin-Patricia District School Board); Donna Danielli, Vice-President, Central West Region, (Halton District School Board); David Shields, Vice-President, Eastern Region, (Renfrew County District School Board); Shelley Laskin, Vice-President (Enrolment), (Toronto District School Board); Rick Williams, Vice-President (Enrolment), (Peel District School Board).

OPSBA is very pleased to announce that Peter Garrow, trustee with the Upper Canada District School Board, was acclaimed as First Nations Director. Peter’s dedication and commitment to the role will continue to strengthen public education for First Nation students and foster broader perspectives for all students.

The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association represents public district school boards and public school authorities across Ontario, which together serve more than 1.2 million public elementary and secondary students. The Association advocates on behalf of the best interests and needs of the public school system in Ontario. OPSBA is seen as the credible voice of public education in Ontario and is routinely called on by the provincial government for input and advice on legislation and the impact of government policy directions.

For more information, please contact:

T.J. Goertz
Communications & Policy Officer
Ontario Public School Boards’ Association
(416) 340-2540, ext. 112