About the Award

The OPSBA Achievement Award recognizes the outstanding contributions of non-teaching staff, parents, volunteers and community partners involved in education in the member boards. This award provides an opportunity to raise awareness and promote the importance of celebrating excellence and the necessity of recognizing the work of all members of the education community.

Nomination Information Checklist

Outstanding, exemplary and/or unique contributions to the overall well-being of the school(s) or community(s) through in-school, board-wide, extra-curricular and/or volunteer work or contributions.

The award and process is intended to support and enhance the present individual member boards’ awards programs and at the same time raise the profile of the OPSBA awards program in the local boards, schools and communities. Each member board will decide whether or not to participate. Each participating board will call for nominations from within their own district area according to the above award criteria. Determination of the recipient is accomplished in conjunction with the local board’s awards selection committee(s) and process. OPSBA supplies the certificates, on request from the local boards, to a maximum of four.


Award of Excellence
Moffat Mankuto, Executive Director of the Regional Multicultural Youth Council, Lakehead DSB

Award of Merit

  • Michele Gordon, Durham DSB
  • Andrew Gibson, Derek Doucet, and Jennifer Robertson, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
  • Jason Pilot, Rebecca Cross, Moffat Mankuto, and Destiny Linklater, Lakehead DSB
  • Deb Katyal, Gloria Wen, Shehla Kerim, and Gillian Cooper, Ottawa-Carleton DSB
  • Daniel Park and Vickram Bachan, Toronto DSB
  • Krista Patterson and Jennifer Eason, Trillium Lakelands DSB
  • Laura Gonzalez, Zeinab Jradi, Andi McKillop, and Pierce Casey, Thames Valley DSB

Award of Merit

  • Susan Neal, Forest Valley Elementary School, Ottawa-Carleton DSB
  • Phillip Rennison, Lisgar C.I., Ottawa-Carleton DSB=
  • Sandra Pedersen, Bells Corners P.S., Ottawa-Carleton DSB
  • Andrew Jarabek, Bells Corners P.S., Ottawa-Carleton DSB
  • Natasha Klages, Chesley District Community School, Bluewater DSB
  • Marianne Stewart & the School and Family Health Team, Lakehead DSB
  • Nolan Steen Tutoring Services, Hastings and Prince Edward DSB
  • Frank Lew, Greenbank Public School, Durham DSB
  • Phouvieng Sackda, Zion Heights Middle School, Toronto DSB
  • Laurie Vonk, Victoria Terrace P.S., Upper Grand DSB
  • Gary Adduono, Terrace Bay Public Elementary School, Superior Greenstone DSB
  • Romana Siddiqui, Parent Involvement Committee, Peel DSB
  • Ranil Mendis, Ontario Schools Cricket Association, Peel DSB

Award of Excellence
Erin Kahkonen, President, Gorham and Ware Home and School Association, Lakehead DSB

Award of Merit

  • Chris and Robin Cooper, Algoma DSB
  • Elizabeth Carlton, Bluewater DSB
  • Aline Saleem, Durham DSB
  • Stephen Crowther, Durham DSB
  • Carolynn McCarron, Durham DSB
  • Stephanie Vesey, Durham DSB
  • Rihanna Harris, Hastings and Prince Edward DSB
  • Carl Creatchman, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
  • Pamela Spragg, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
  • Brenda Gardiner, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
  • Alison Lyver, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
  • Sheri Meiklejohn, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
  • Patti Freeburn, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
  • Constance Hodson, Principal, Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
  • Dawn Magee, Keewatin-Patricia DSB
  • Fergus Penner, Keewatin-Patricia DSB
  • Cecile Marcino, Keewatin-Patricia DSB
  • Erin Kahkonen, Lakehead DSB
  • Dan Hendry, Limestone DSB
  • Louri Snider, Limestone DSB
  • Anne McCrank, Near North DSB
  • Angela Ayeni, Peel DSB
  • Tracy Alli, Peel DSB
  • Caroline Alli, Early Childhood Educator, Peel DSB
  • Yonnette Dey, Peel DSB
  • Patrika Daws, Peel DSB
  • Mr. Hutchins, Simcoe County DSB
  • Christopher Klassen, Simcoe County DSB
  • Mona Parsram, Simcoe County DSB
  • Jonathan Carr, York Region DSB

Award of Excellence
Tanya Moses                                                                                     Alternative Secondary School Support Worker, Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, Lakehead DSB
Award of Merit
Tanya Moses                                                                                     Alternative Secondary School Support WorkerThunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre, Lakehead DSB
Steve Shonosky                                                                                 Volleyball Coach, Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Lakehead DSB
Wilma Kleynendorst                                                                        Member, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care Representative, Special Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB

Award of Excellence
Sandra Binns Parent Representative, Canadian Home and School Federation, Parent Involvement Committee, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
Award of Merit
Colleen Kappel Superintendent of Education, Lakehead DSB
Liz Tod Chair, SEAC, Lakehead DSB
Christopher Gamble Special Education Teacher, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
Sandra Binns Volunteer, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB
Rita Goverde Child and Youth Worker, York Region DSB

Award of Excellence
Jennifer Davis Parent Representative, Crestview PS, Lakehead DSB
Award of Merit
Jennifer Davis
Mike Otway Committee Member, Special Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB
Gerry Martin Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB
Karen Untinen Student Support Professional, C.D. Howe Public School, Lakehead DSB
Patricia Cameron Educational Assistant, Cadarackque Public School, Durham DSB
Katherine Leverette Chair, Limestone Learning Foundation, Limestone DSB
Smeera Mash-Hadi Educational Assistant, ADH, Richmond Hill High School, York Region DSB

Award of Excellence
Eileen Haven Executive Secretary, Lakehead DSB
Award of Merit
Martha McLelland Parent volunteer, Agnew H. Johnston Public School, Lakehead DSB
Sheila Marcinyshyn Volunteer and SEAC Member, Lakehead DSB
Kelly Matyasovszky Volunteer and SEAC Co-Chair, Valley Central Public School, Lakehead DSB
Eileen Haven

Felicia Waboose Elder, Lakehead DSB
Laura Shannon Breakfast Club Supervisor, Algonquin Avenue PS, Lakehead DSB
Lyndy Stajkowski Chair, School Community Association, Valley Central School, Lakehead DSB

Paul Amano Volunteer, Lakehead DSB
Elizabeth Andros Lakehead DSB

Robert McKay Resource Member of the Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB
Sue Peever Volunteer, Lakehead DSB
Suzanne Tardif Parent Representative on the Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB

Catherine Soplet Parent Volunteer and Champion, Peel DSB
Laura Sylvestre Chair of the Special Education Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB
Carlos Santander Maturana Educational Assistant, Westgate Collegiate and Vocational Institute, Lakehead DSB

Serena Essex Aboriginal Family Support Worker – Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre, Parent/Guardian Member of Aboriginal Advisory Committee, Lakehead DSB
Sylvia Coral O’Meara Parent/Guardian Member of the Aboriginal EducationAdvisory Committee, Lakehead DSB

Wayne Evans Custodian II, Hammarskjold High School – Lakehead DSB
Gail I Wanonkiw
Terry Olmstead

Dolores Wawia Teaching Professor – Lakehead University, Co-Chair of Aboriginal Education Advisory Committee – Lakehead DSB
Sheila Poulin Cafeteria Manager – Sir Winston Churchill C. &. V. I.
– Lakehead DSB

Barbara Hepburn Child & Youth Worker – C.R. Gummow Public School
– Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
Barb Sully Volunteer – Dr. Emily Stowe Public School
– Kawartha Pine Ridge DSB
Kate Tinkler Educational Assistant – Crestview Public School – Lakehead DSB
Michael Young Donator & Alumni – Sir Winston Churchill C. & V. I. – Lakehead DSB

Ron Kanutski Social Worker – Cultural Coordinator for New Experiences Program – Children’s Centre, Thunder Bay – Lakehead DSB

Margaret How Volunteer – Kingfisher Lake Outdoor Education Centre
– Lakehead DSB

Joyce Beauchamp Volunteer – Wanup Public School – Rainbow DSB

Mirka Orde Volunteer – Greensville School Council
– Hamilton-Wentworth DSB

Karen Warner Volunteer – Youth Outreach, United Way, Toronto
– Toronto DSB

Elizabeth Ann Smith Volunteer – Carleton Place H.S. – Upper Canada DSB