As a non-partisan association, we advocate for the voice of Ontario’s English public school boards on the diverse range of issues that affect students and communities, regardless of which political party forms government.

Throughout the provincial election campaign, we encourage parents, students, seniors, and other members of school communities to learn about the issues impacting Ontario’s public schools before Election Day on February 27, 2025.

The government policies of today will affect the world our children and youth will inherit tomorrow. The provincial government decides what is taught in our schools and how much of our provincial taxes are used to pay for education. The future of the province depends on high quality, publicly funded education.  This affects you — whether you have children in the school system or not.

The February 27 election will have far-reaching effects. As a voter and citizen of Ontario, it is in your interest to know where the candidates stand on education issues. Read on for more information and make sure to attend local all candidates’ meetings if possible. This article will be updated as resources and links become available.


Elections Ontario

The Candidates

Election Platforms vs. OPSBA Priorities (this will be regularly updated as announcements are made)

The Parties

OPSBA will be reaching out to the four main parties – the Progressive Conservatives, New Democrats, Liberals, and Greens – represented in the Ontario Legislature with a questionnaire on key education issues this election. Replies will be posted here as they come in.

Party Websites

Green Party

Liberal Party

New Democratic Party | Education Platform News Release (February 4, 2025)

Progressive Conservative Party

Additional Resources

Ontario Principals’ Council – Building Brighter Futures: A Comprehensive Education Plan for Ontario’s Next Generation