National Trustee Gathering on Aboriginal Education
July 4 – 5, 2018
CSBA Congress 2018
July 5 – 7

Westin Nova Scotian
1181 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia

REGISTER NOW. Registration for both the National Trustee Gathering on Aboriginal Education and CSBA Congress 2018 is hosted on the OPSBA website.

Program Outline

HOTEL information:
A preferred rate of $189 plus taxes (Traditional room), and $219 plus taxes (Harbourview), has been secured for delegates at The Westin Nova Scotian Hotel. Please contact the hotel directly for reservations. Both rates are for single/double accommodation.
Rooms must be booked before Sunday, June 3, 2018. After this deadline, rooms will be available on a space-available basis only. Please quote the group name “NOVA SCOTIA SCHOOL BOARDS ASSOCIATION” to ensure you receive the preferred guestroom rate.

Online HOTEL reservations
Telephone:  Toll free 1-888-627-8553.​