​School Boards Collective Bargaining Act Review: Stakeholder Consultation Summary​

On July 4, 2016, the Ministry of Education released the report, School Boards Collective Bargaining Act Review: Stakeholder Consultation Summary. The report and consultations were led by Jim Breckenridge, a well-respected labour relations practitioner, and contains feedback from education stakeholders (including OPSBA) about the legislative framework and experience during this first round of central bargaining.

Under the SBCBA, OPSBA is the designated employer bargaining agent for our member boards and school authorities. When the SBCBA came into force in April 2014, the Premier and the Minister of Education committed to a review after the completion of the first round of central collective bargaining.

It is our understanding that the ministry will now review this stakeholder summary over the summer. If a new bill is introduced as a result of this ministry consultation, it will, similar to other newly introduced bills, move through the legislative process and there will be an opportunity for OPSBA to respond to any proposed amendments. The Legislative Assembly of Ontario resumes on September 12, 2016. We will continue to provide updates as more information becomes available.

Click here for additional OPSBA Labour Relations information, including the PowerPoint presentation.

Ministry Chiefs of Staff

The Office of the Premier released information regarding the new Chief of Staff for each government ministry. Colleen Hogan remains in Education under the new Minster of Education, Mitzie Hunter. Other political staff placements and confirmations will be determined in the coming weeks.

​​Public Policy Forum Report on the Expanded Mandate of the Ontario Ombudsman​​

The Public Policy Forum released its report, The Expanded Mandate of the Ontario Ombudsman. This group conducted a stakeholder consultation on behalf of the Ombudsman’s Office which included workshops across the province between September and December 2015. OPSBA senior staff, trustees and school board staff attended many of these sessions.

Click here for the Public Policy Forum report.

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