​​​Ophea is congratulating more than 100 schools who received its Healthy Schools Certification this year.

A total of 107 schools across Ontario completed the six-step Healthy Schools Process, making their school community a healthier place and receiving gold, silver, or bronze certification. Ophea was impressed with the innovative and exciting activities these schools have led and the strong emphasis on student engagement and community partnerships that have been fostered and will continue to flourish.

An additional six schools completed the six-step Healthy Schools Process, and while they did not receive enough points to be certified, they still contributed to their school community and are considered Healthy Schools Certification participants.

Check out the full list of 2015/16 certified schools

Registration for 2016​​-2017​​

Registration for Ophea’s Healthy Schools Certification for the 2016/17 school year opens Tuesday, Sept. 6 at noon. Registration will be open to 350 publicly funded schools in Ontario (Catholic and public, French and English) based on first-come, first-served, and ​​​​will remain open until Oct. 7 at noon or until the 350 spots are filled.

To register, schools are required to upload a signed letter from your admin (principal or vice-principal).

Access list of what schools need to register

* Healthy Schools Certification is an annual process, and as such, all schools are required to register each school year.