Toronto, May 9, 2018 – The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) has declared May 23 Education Day in the province of Ontario. On this day, candidates from the four major provincial parties have been invited by local school board trustees throughout the province to share their views and answer questions on issues affecting public education.

“The Provincial government decides what is taught in our schools and how much of our Provincial taxes are used to pay for education. This affects everyone — whether or not you have children in the school system,” said OPSBA president Laurie French. “Education is the second largest funding line item in the provincial budget and with the upcoming election, it is important that citizens have the facts they need to make an informed decision on June 7.”

Education is the bedrock of society and provincial education policies have a lasting impact on the children and youth of Ontario. Their future and the growth and prosperity of the province are directly linked to a strong, high-quality, publicly-funded education system.

OPSBA’s multi-year strategic priorities, which advocate for conditions that improve student achievement and well-being are the foundation upon which our advocacy stands, and outline what public school boards and trustees would like to see in education for the future of Ontario.

In support of Education Day, school board trustees have organized All Candidates Meetings to offer their community an opportunity to:

  • Learn more about issues affecting public education in Ontario
  • Hear from local candidates from the four major provincial parties and understand their position on key education issues
  • Speak up and ask questions

List of All Candidates Meetings

We encourage parents, students, seniors and other members of the public to learn about the issues impacting Ontario’s public schools. For more information about Education Day and where All Candidates Meetings are being held in the province please visit

To follow the conversation on Twitter, use the hashtag #OntEd18.

For further information:

May Moore
OPSBA Communications
416-340-2540, ext 111