April 17, Toronto – “We are in support of any initiatives that improve student achievement and well-being, and public confidence in our world-leading public education system. OPSBA has long advocated for improved accountability and transparency in the delivery of public education.

This legislation has a wide range of potential impacts on Ontario’s public education system. We will be taking the necessary time to review each proposed change and addition.

Our Association and local school boards must be properly consulted on the details of important changes to the public education system. We welcome the opportunity to work with the Ministry of Education on these changes as we play the most direct role in supporting student success within our local communities. Local governance, with students at the forefront, is a key part of our member boards’ ongoing success. The importance of maintaining the autonomy of democratically elected local trustees cannot be overstated.”

Cathy Abraham, OPSBA President

For more information, please contact:

Shane Gonsalves
Managing Director, Government and Public Affairs, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association

T.J. Goertz
Senior Communications and Policy Officer, Ontario Public School Boards’ Association