The Fall Economic Statement released today by the government contained only a few new education-related initiatives.

We were pleased by the government’s ongoing commitment to expanding access to broadband internet across the province, as well as, the government’s continued focus on increasing participation in the skilled trades, both of which are important for the future of our students and Ontario’s economy.

We are hopeful that in the near future we will see progress toward achieving an agreement between the provincial and federal governments to increase access to affordable child care in Ontario. School boards are also anxiously awaiting the release of pandemic-related funding for the second half of the school year.

School Boards and the Ministry of Education are currently engaged in discussion related to the next round of Grants for Student Needs, and OPSBA will be sharing our submission with the government in the coming weeks. Ontario’s education system must be fully funded in order for school boards to deliver a high-quality learning experience in a safe environment. We will be strongly encouraging the government to ensure that funding for the education system keeps pace with inflation and other pandemic-related expenses.

– Cathy Abraham, President