Toronto, March 23, 2006- Funding a strong public education system is the most important investment we can make as a society. OPSBA is encouraged that the Provincial Government has made education one of the top priorities in its 2006 Ontario budget.

“OPSBA welcomes an increase in education funding to support student achievement and learning,” said Rick Johnson, President of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association. “We are pleased the provincial government is committed to predictable multi-year funding that will assist boards in long-term planning.”

OPSBA applauds the government’s commitment to reducing class size; providing additional supports in literacy and numeracy; and enhancing student success through funding for additional elementary and secondary teachers. OPSBA continues to be committed to working with the government to support student achievement.

OPSBA is disheartened that the Best Start Plan will not be enhanced and expanded as originally planned because the federal government has given notice to terminate the Early Learning and Child Care agreement. We call upon the federal government in the most respectful yet strongest of terms to reconsider and honour the agreement made with the people of Ontario.

OPSBA anticipates that further funding announcements by the Provincial Government accompanying the release of the grant regulations will strengthen stability and confidence in public education.

“OPSBA supports a strong publicly funded education system in Ontario,” said Rick Johnson. “We applaud the government for the priority it continues to give to public education.” OPSBA views the provincial budget as a statement of intent, and will assess further funding implications for our member boards once the Grant details and Board impacts are released. OPSBA will continue to work with the government to ensure respect for the principles of equity, funding adequacy, autonomy and flexibility for school boards.

Provincial Budget website

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For more information, please contact:

Jeff Sprang
(416) 340-2540