Legislative Update – March 5, 2018

2018 3/5 | Connects Page, Education Finance, Education Policy, Elections, OPSBA Events, Provincial Updates

The Legislative Assembly of Ontario resumed on February 20, 2018. MPPs have upcoming constituency weeks that align with March Break and Easter. This means there are seven sitting weeks scheduled before writ of election, set for Wednesday, May 9, 2018 with the next provincial election to be on or before June 7, 2018.

The 2018 Ontario PC Leadership Race is well underway with four candidates: Christine Elliott, Doug Ford, Caroline Mulroney and Tanya Granic Allen. PC party members can vote between March 2 and 8, 2018. The PC leadership will be announced on March 10, 2018 at the Hilton Markham Convention Centre from 1:30 to 4 p.m. and live-streamed on the Ontario PC Party’s social media pages.

Bill 198, Student Absenteeism and Protection Act (2017)

This is a private member’s bill that was introduced on February 21 by Liberal MPP Ann Hoggarth. Bill 198 would make chronic absenteeism a child protection issue and would require school principals to report such issues to the Children’s Aid Society. The bill has only had First Reading and is unlikely to move through the legislative stages but we will continue to monitor it.

Bill 198

Canadian School Boards Association (CSBA)

CSBA sent a letter on February 22, 2018 to Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil regarding the recent decision to abolish school board trustees. The letter was signed by all association Presidents, including OPSBA’s Laurie French.

Provincial Election and OPSBA Education Day

OPSBA staff have begun planning for the 2018 election and the resources to support Education Day in the province of Ontario. On that day, candidates from the four major provincial parties will be invited to attend Provincial Candidates Meetings in their ridings across the province. Initial discussions about this initiative occurred at last weekend’s Board of Directors’ meeting, at which trustees discussed the proposed resources, party questions and timing. OPSBA has tentatively set the date for Education Day as May 23, 2018. Please note that this date was chosen to allow sufficient time after the writ is issued to distribute final resources and time before the OPSBA AGM and Voting Day. Also note that trustees and boards can choose to participate in Education Day activities anytime during the week of May 22 to 25, 2018.

Proposed resources include:

  • Candidates List
  • Document entitled Your Guide to Hosting a Provincial Candidates Meeting
  • Letter of invitation to candidates and a letter to parents/guardians
  • Poster/flyer to promote the meetings
  • Media release
  • Suggested tweets

Other information

February 22, 2018: Ontario Making Progress to Ensure Inclusive Education System
February 16, 2018: Ontario Enhancing Opportunities to Learn About Canada’s History