On August 31, EQAO released highlights of the provincial level results from the 2015-16 tests of reading, writing and mathematics, Primary Division (Grades 1-3), Junior Division (Grades 4-6) and the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics for both applied and academic level students.

Click here for highlights of the provincial results.

Click here for more information.

Click here for the EQAO media release.

On September 21, 2016, EQAO will publish the following:

  • Individual elementary school and board results, which will include local participation and achievement results and contextual information
  • EQAO elementary school report 2015-16, which includes the results, school contextual data and summary findings of the primary and junior division assessments of reading, writing and mathematics
  • EQAO secondary school report 2015-1016, which includes the results, school contextual data and summary findings for the Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics and the Grade 10 OSSLT