New! The 2022-2026 Good Governance Guide


The cover of the 2022-26 Good Governance Guide

The 2022-2026 Good Governance Guide for trustees, school boards, directors of education, and communities is now available!

OPSBA, in partnership with the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC), is excited to announce the release of this comprehensive guide, which has been expertly crafted to provide school trustees with the knowledge they need to effectively govern and lead their school boards. The fully updated Good Governance Guide will be distributed directly to school boards as a resource for trustees and boards for the 2022-2026 term of office.

In this guide, you’ll find valuable information on topics such as trustee roles and responsibilities, how to craft effective communication strategies, and best practices for working with school staff and community members. The revised guide contains legislative, policy and funding changes that have occurred over the past four years, with specific relevance for Ontario’s public education systems. Whether you’re a new trustee or an experienced one looking to brush up on your knowledge, this guide is designed to help you make the most of your time in office, and also serves as a great reference guide for school board staff leadership and community members.

School trustees play a critical role in shaping the future of education in Ontario. With this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to meet the challenges of this role head-on, and to make a real difference in the lives of the students, staff, and community members you serve.

In addition to the Guide, OPSBA and OESC also provide support for our trustees through the Trustee Professional Development Program, which provides additional information and guidance on a wide variety of governance-related topics.

Download the Good Governance Guide (PDF)